A girl holding a pile of tennis balls
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Distance Learning Updates

6th April 20

The country is currently in lockdown as the government try to halt the spread of COVID-19, and yet life still goes on and our girls have been doing some fantastic work.

Beth in Year 2 wrote a wonderful adaptation of Jack and Beanstalk – Jack and the Cress Stalk – as part of her Traditional Tales topic at school. She enjoyed working out her story with soft toys and puppets and then performing it once she had written it.

Layla in Year 5 created some incredible portrait pencil sketches.



India in Year 5 created a beautiful owl picture with the phrase “Wishes are like goals but more powerful.”

Thanks to digital technology four girls joined Ms Bament, our Mandarin teacher, for an online Mandarin lesson, Romee in Year 2 took part in a Redroofs Theatre School session online, Aviyana in Reception enjoyed practising her French online Siyana has been lucky enough to continue her weekly piano lessons via Zoom.


Romee in Year 2 has been working on her excellent baking skills.

Astrid in Year 1 has been putting her science skills to the test with a home chemistry set, practicing her mindfullness with garden yoga and planting seeds in the garden with her brother (Mrs Pardon would be pleased).


Sisters, Chloe and Myla in Reception have been busy practising their colours and animals in French. They drew Easter pictures and labelled them using the new words they have learnt.


Arabella in Year 3 has written this wonderful poem – a spell recipe inspired by Mr Majeika.