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Harvest Collection

23rd October 19

Thank you to our generous parents for their wonderful donations to our Harvest Festival.

Each year we collected for the The London and Slough Run, which was founded by Phyllis Wallbank in 1984, when on a visit to London, she was perturbed to see a man lying on a pavement in a cardboard box. She began by taking sandwiches and hot drinks into London with a friend and so The London Run was born.

The Charity has flourished and now supports ‘runs’ into London and Slough. In 1996, Phyllis Wallbank was honoured with an MBE by the Queen. More information about the charity can be found on the website here.

This afternoon, the Prep School girls had a special harvest assembly where they sang a variety of harvest songs and received a special visit from Malcolm, from the London and Slough Run. Malcolm explained how the charity is run entirely by volunteers and gave the girls an insight into the wonderful work of the charity. We know that all of your donations will go straight to where they are needed most.

Thank you.