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Build an App

14th June 22

As part of the Year 6 Enrichment Programme, each class in Year 6 were taken off timetable for the day to build their own apps. Girls worked in pairs to come up with an idea, plan their app and then create it, using Appshed. App ideas included baking, movies, celebrities and activities you can do when you’re bored.

The girls worked well to learn how to use software of which they had no previous experience and worked to strict deadlines. At the end of the day the girls presented their apps to the class and then voted for their favourite.

  • The winning app in 6A was a ‘Movies App’ created by Maisa and Elizabeth. This included a range of movie suggestions organised by genre.
  • The winning app in 6E was ‘Aesthetify’ by Amber and Tallulah. This was an app for bedroom ideas which included colour schemes and bedroom accessories for girls.
  • The winning app in 6M was ‘Gogamer’ by Keiyona and Alicja where you can obtain links and ratings to fun games.

The girls had an enjoyable day building their own apps.