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Y6 Debating Workshop

7th June 21

Just before the half-term holiday the Year 6 took part in a debating workshop as part of their enrichment programme, during which they discovered the debating process, collaborated together in teams, developed their speaking skills, and successfully delivered a strong speech for their debate.

The 6 motions debated were:

    • Books are better than television.
    • Animals should be kept in zoos to prevent extinction.
    • Homework should be abolished in primary schools.
    • Packed lunches should replace school lunches.
    • Year 6 should be allowed mobile phones in school.
    • Competitive sports should be banned in primary schools.

The girls’ discussions were nuanced and very intelligent, with excellent points for consideration and sensitive exploration of the topics. The girls remained open minded throughout and were not against having their minds changed. Overall the girls agreed that animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos, that homework should be abolished in primary school, and that Year 6 should be allowed mobile phones in school. They disagreed that competitive sports should be banned in primary schools, and for the other motions there were no clear decisions either way.

An excellent workshop and excellent contributions from all involved.