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Case Study: Art

30th April 20

Everyone at Maltman’s Green has been really getting stuck into distance learning and the girls have been creating some excellent pieces of work. Mrs Hattam, our Head of Art, has been busy creating wonderful video lessons to inspire the girls’ creativity. Mrs Hattam has been focusing on Picasso with the Prep School girls and they have been learning how to emulate the style of this renowned artist

For Week 2 Mrs Hattam introduced the girls to two British sculptors Sir Henry Moore and Dame Barbara Hepworth, inspiring them to create their own 3D sculptures using objects around the home, as well teaching them some of Moore’s simple, yet effective sketching techniques. Mrs Hattam’s video has proved so inspiring that parents have even been giving it a go! The first picture in the carousel of artwork photos below is of a sheep drawn by Mrs Adams. Would you like to have a go? Why not send your creations to us – email

Watch Mrs Hattam’s video about Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth.