23rd April 20
What a busy day we had yesterday on our first day of distance learning. The teachers were so proud of the effort from all of the girls and we were delighted by the work that was sent in. Here are some highlights…
In Nursery the girls were given the task to make a person (or a family) using toilet roll tubes. This helped the girls develop cutting and pen control.
In Year 3 the girls have started their new adventure story topic focusing on the novel ‘How To Train Your Dragon’. Yesterday they designed their own magical dragon using power adjectives, verbs and adverbs. In the photo carousel below you can see two dragon pictures by Arabella and Ella and an amazing model by Eloise. For their outdoor learning assignment the girls were asked to go into the garden and write or recite a poem about nature. Below you will see ‘Bluebells’ written by Elsie, and ‘Happiness’ written by Hollie.
In Year 2 the girls were set the challenge to go out into their garden and choose something from nature to be their subject for a still life drawing. The attention detail was incredible. See below photos of Maryam drawing her picture, a yellow tulip by Maggie, a yellow primula by Beth, a wisteria by Annabel and an arum lily by Elise.
Meanwhile, girls in Years 3 to 6 have started their Art topic studying Picasso. They were tasked with creating some portraits in the style of this famous artists and below you can see some beautiful work by Lucille and Beatrice in Year 5.
We can’t wait to find out what today will bring….!