12th December 19
At the end of term we enjoyed two house competitions – a swimming gala and cross country race. These events give all girls the opportunity to compete and work together as a team – strengthening their house bonds.
First of all, we had the swimming gala for girls in Year 5 and 6. There were a number of different races from regular front crawl and other strokes to relay noodle, group noodle, races with floats and much more. Girls had to draw on the skills and technique they have learnt in their swimming lessons while being able to have fun and enjoy the competition. The girls really supported each other and it was great to see them cheering each other on and encouraging those in their houses.
Congratulations to Johnson house who came first place with 57 points. Second place went to Aylward, with 54 points, third to Pankhurst with 53 points; and fourth place to Bronte with 52 points. A close competition!
Next, all the Prep School girls (Years 3-6) took part in the House Cross Country around the School grounds. Girls were split into different races according to year group and all the times totalled to give the overall winning house. The girls all showed great effort and enthusiasm and lots of support for their fellow house members. Congratulations to Johnson for being crowned 2019 champions. Bronte came second, Aylward third and Pankhurst fourth.