Students learning French by practicing how to tell the time
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Inspection Reports

Maltman’s Green School is a member of IAPS (Independent Association of Prep Schools), which has a membership of around 650 of the world’s top prep schools. Schools must reach a very high standard to be eligible for membership, with strict criteria on teaching a broad curriculum, maintaining excellent standards of pastoral care and keeping staff members’ professional development training up to date.

In addition, we are inspected by the ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate), a body responsible for the inspection of schools under the Independent Schools Council and reporting directly to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements. We were recently inspected in February 2022. You can read this report, and our two previous ones, by clicking the buttons below.

“The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent. Pupils of all ages and abilities make excellent progress over time because of the systematic use of the assessment framework in planning for individual needs. Pupils’ linguistic and other mathematical skills are outstanding, and pupils apply these with great confidence to other areas of learning. Pupils demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning when the curriculum creates opportunities for them to develop independence in their learning. Pupils readily think for themselves and acquire higher-order thinking skills which they instinctively apply to all areas of learning.

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent. Pupils’ self confidence and self-esteem are outstanding. Pupils’ social development and collaboration are extremely strong; they undertake positions of responsibility with great pleasure and success. Pupils make an excellent contribution to the school and the wider community. Pupils show great respect, and interest, in each other’s cultural beliefs and values.

Pupils of all ages make excellent progress over time, as a result of the many opportunities provided for them to succeed, thus fulfilling one of the school’s key aims.”

ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report 2022

Open Morning Thursday 25 April
Rows of hats in the cloakroom

Open mornings give you a chance to see the school in action and tour our facilities.

Open Morning Thursday 25 April